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Join the NCA


If you are interested in joining the Northridge Community Association, please review the eligibility and commitment details below (and read our About the NCA page), then click here to apply.


A member of the NCA will follow up with each interested applicant.



All members must be residents of the Northridge neighbourhood. (Northridge lies between Adelaide Street to the west, Highbury Avenue to the east, Fanshawe Park Road to the north, and the Thames River to the south. See map.)


The NCA is a volunteer committee of up to 17 members. Voting members must be 18 years of age or older.


Non-residents are invited to share their ideas and concerns via email or on Facebook, or to join us at any of our community events.


The NCA also welcomes communication from
any and all community stakeholders via Facebook and email.



Northridge map used with permission from NeighbourGood London.




Meetings are held from 8:00–9:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month from September–November and January–June.​


Meetings are held via Zoom.


Members are asked to commit to attending a minimum of 6 meetings per year.


Votes at meetings will be considered binding if there is a 60% quorum present.


Additional duties and correspondence outside of regular meeting times will depend on the committee member’s role. View role descriptions.

Northridge Neighbourhood Map
Role Descriptions
NCA Role Descriptions

Organize and chair monthly meetings. Provide support to the committee within their roles, recruit new members, effectively communicate within the team, residents and neighbourhood partners.



Record and distribute minutes for monthly NCA meetings, and store minutes on the NCA shared drive. Coordinate Zoom meetings and distribute the agenda (provided by president).



Track expenses electronically, co-sign cheques for NCA purchases (to be approved by committee), and make deposits to NCA bank account. Report monthly balance at NCA meetings and provide a final report of expenses to the committee at year end.


Municipal Liaison

Act as a point of contact between the City of London and the NCA when the committee has questions or concerns regarding local infrastructure or other topics that are managed at the municipal level. Attend monthly meetings held by the Urban League of London and report back on relevant discussions or insights. With input from the president, treasurer and committee as a whole, the Urban League liaison will coordinate responses to calls for funding applications issued by the Urban League when required.


The Urban League liaison may also participate in Urban League subcommittees or events that are of personal interest or could add value to the NCA mission.


School Liaison

Develop a positive working relationship with a Northridge-area school, share pertinent NCA information with the school administration, and act as the school’s contact person within the NCA.


Northridge schools: Northridge Public School (TVDSB), St. Mark Catholic School (LDCSB), A. B. Lucas Secondary School (TVDSB)


Community Safety Lead

Assess community feedback about safety concerns in Northridge, conduct basic research into what has worked in other neighbourhoods or cities, and help to brainstorm solutions. Take the lead on working with the NCA to implement solutions, either at the individual/neighbourhood level or by liaising with the City of London, local schools, or other officials to advocate for change.


Ice Rink Manager

Lead the creation and upkeep of the Dalkeith Park skating rink in cooperation with the City of London. Monitor maintenance status of materials owned by the NCA, and work with local businesses to purchase (or receive sponsorship for) additional materials as needed. Engage neighbourhood volunteers to coordinate a rink flooding schedule, and maintain the rink status and sign-up sheets.


Community Events Lead

Plan, organize, and execute events within the Northridge community (in accordance with any COVID-19 restrictions). Act as project manager for events with support of other NCA members as needed.


Events Support

Assist with the planning and execution of community events and the Dalkeith Park skating rink.


Business Liaison

Develop a positive working relationship with the businesses within our community and act as local businesses’ contact person within the NCA. Work with the NCA to develop plans for a business directory.


Sponsorship Coordinator

In consultation with the business liaison, rink manager, and/or events lead, coordinate a solicitation plan to approach local businesses for financial or in-kind sponsorship of NCA initiatives. Develop a recognition plan for public acknowledgement and personal thank yous for sponsors.


Community Outreach Lead

Establish strategies for the NCA to build positive individual relationships with Northridge residents, including strategies to welcome to residents to the neighbourhood. Assist other NCA members with on-the-ground support such as hanging event posters throughout the neighbourhood.


Communications Lead

Edit outgoing NCA messaging to the community. Compose newsletters as needed, and manage the NCA website. Write and/or edit grant applications.


Social Media Lead

Develop a loose content calendar to determine upcoming needs for social media messaging. Work with NCA leadership and communications lead to continue to refine social media policies and engagement strategies. With the social media team, maintain the flow of the NCA Facebook page.


Social Media Team

Share relevant NCA and City of London information/events on the NCA Facebook page. Answer community questions in a timely manner (standard responses templates are provided for common questions).


Youth Representative

Attend monthly NCA meetings and participate in discussions about committee initiatives. Advocate on behalf of youth in the neighbourhood, and work with communications lead and social director to think of activities or initiatives that would appeal to young people in Northridge.


Members at Large

Participate in monthly NCA meetings and contribute insight into key initiatives. Provide hands-on help when possible. Actively engage with the community to understand the needs of residents and other community stakeholders.

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